We live hospitality
The impressive building at the Traunfall falls has more than 500 years of history and tradition. The first mention of it was made in 1750.

Takeover by Rudolf and Margit
Rudolf and Margit Kastenhuber have offered hospitality since 1999. In 2010, the 100-year family anniversary celebrations were held.

Complete remodeling
In 2015, Rudolf and Margit Kastenhuber orchestrated a full renovation. On the inside, not a stone was left unturned. On the outside, the property now boasts a new, wonderful patio with panorama views, built entirely on concrete pillars.

Planning and construction of a new hotel
But this was not the last investment. In 2018, they began planning a new hotel. And in 2022, the Kastenhuber family was able to open the 4-star Hotel Traunfall.

Leap towards the future
This meant that another foundation stone was laid for the next generation. The family history will continue successfully in the next years with Karin and Rainer Baumann.