
Company name Gasthof Kastenhuber GmbH
Address Viecht 8
4693 Desselbrunn
E-mail address
Phone +43 (0) 7673 6036
UID number ATU 74766023
company registration number 519694g
Authority gem. ECG (E-Commerce Gesetz)
District Authority Vöcklabruck
professional group/branch FG Gastronomie
Company name Hotel Traunfall GmbH
Address Viecht 8A
4693 Desselbrunn
E-mail address
Phone +43 (0) 7673 6036 – 10
UID number ATU 74766023
company registration number 519694g
Authority gem. ECG (E-Commerce Gesetz)
District Authority Vöcklabruck
professional group/branch FG Gastronomie

Website design and realization:

Aufwind Werbeagentur

Bilder und Fotos:

Kastenhuber, Marlene Holl, Aufwind, AdobeStock

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standard Zimmer Icon

DBL Deluxe

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superior Zimmer Icon

DBL Deluxe accessible

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Gasthof Zimmer Icon

standard dbl room (guesthouse)

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Suite Icon

Junior Suite

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Apartment Icon


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